Not sure what to do with all those trophies you keep getting in Valheim? There are a few uses, but not too many. Fortunately, our guide dives into what you can do with them below. Before reading, there are minor spoilers in this article regarding the first boss.
What to Do With Trophies in Valheim
Summoning the First Boss |
Getting Unique Buffs/Forsaken Powers |
Placing Trophies on Item Stands |
Crafting the Stagbreaker Weapon |
Summoning the First Boss
The first use you’ll find for trophies in Valheim is for the first boss as explained in our guide here. You’ll need two Deer Trophies for the sacrificial altar to summon the deer boss, Eikthyr. Other than that, you won’t need trophies to summon any of the other bosses as they require different items altogether.
Getting Unique Buffs/Forsaken Powers
The second use is explained by one of the few NPCs in Valheim, Hugin. This is the raven that follows you around throughout the game providing tips every so often. Hugin explains that every time you kill a boss, you’ll get a guaranteed trophy drop. Then, you can bring it to the shrine where you first spawned when you made your character. Each stone has a hook for placing a boss trophy. After doing so, you’ll get an active buff that’s selected once you interact with the trophy.
Every boss has a unique buff that lasts for 5 minutes and has a 20-minute cooldown timer. You can swap buffs at any time by interacting with a boss trophy hooked up at this shrine. And by default, you can press F to activate your “Forsaken Power”. The first buff from Eikthyr provides 60% less stamina drain while running and/or jumping.
Placing Trophies on Item Stands
The third use for trophies doesn’t serve any major purpose. Once you’ve made it far enough into Valheim to get Fine Wood or Bronze Nails, you can make Item Stands. These are placeable on walls, tables, floors, etc. and then items can be placed in them. This works for all sorts of weapons, tools, and trophies as well. It’s a good opportunity to show off your trophies in your base or a massive feast hall.
If you don’t know how to get Fine Wood, you can get it by chopping Birch or Oak trees. These will drop a mixture of normal wood and Fine Wood. However, you need to upgrade to a Bronze Axe to chop these trees. You can get Bronze after killing Eikthyr by using the Antler Pick to mine copper and tin. Once you’ve smelted copper and tin, you can combine it at a Forge to make a Bronze Axe. This is the same path for making Bronze Nails too.
Crafting the Stagbreaker Weapon
The final use so far for trophies is crafting the Stagbreaker club weapon. This is a two-handed blunt weapon that deals AoE damage. You can craft it using 20 Core Wood, 2 Leather Scraps, and 5 Deer Trophies.
Aside from these uses, you can also find every trophy you’ve gotten in the Trophies menu. This is the trophy picture near the top-right corner under the Tab menu/inventory. Clicking it reveals them all alongside short descriptions for each one. Otherwise, if you’re looking to get rid of trophies, our guide here explains how to delete items. For other Valheim guides, visit our guide hub here or any below.

Jeff is a journalist with over 10 years of experience writing, streaming, and making content about video games. With an associate degree in journalism, he’s a sucker for RPGs, survival games, roguelikes, and more.
Thursday 4th of March 2021
Deer trophies are used for the mace, that was all I found so far.
Monday 8th of March 2021
and drake and draugr elite trophys are also used in weapon/armor craft
Jeffrey Lerman
Thursday 4th of March 2021
That's a good point Joshua, I forgot about the Stagbreaker! I'll add that to the article, thanks for pointing that out.