If you’re one of many people playing the Diablo 4 beta, you may be wondering how to get the Wolf Pup. This is a cosmetic item where a small wolf pup rests on your back in a carrier. Unlike other gear that you can equip in armor slots, this is exclusively a Back Slot item. You can find the Back Slot in your Wardrobe at Kyovashad.
Unlocking the Wolf Pup is one way Blizzard is enticing players to take part in either of the two beta phases. As well as unlocking a couple of unique titles that you can have below your name. Even though those are also purely cosmetic. However, it’s a neat way to show off that you played the beta.
How to Get Wolf Pup in Diablo 4
The good thing about trying to get the Wolf Pup is that progression saves across the two beta phases. Therefore, if you’re playing in the early access beta and don’t get far enough, you can continue in the open beta later on. Or if you can’t get into the early access days, you can still get the Wolf Pup during the open beta ones.
Regardless, the trick to getting the Wolf Pup in Diablo 4 is by reaching level 20 on any character in the beta. While it’s easy to know if you’ve reached level 20 or not, you can check the Collections page in-game to see if you have the achievement.
First, press Y in Diablo 4 to open up the Collections page. Here you can pick the Codex of Power or Challenges page. Then, click into Challenges and scroll down to the Feats of Strength section. This area has two achievements that you can only unlock in the beta, “First of Many” and “Early Experience”.
While the date you completed “Early Experience” may be bugged and show something like, 12/31/69, this confirms that you’ve done it. However, the confusing part for most wondering how to get the Wolf Pup is that you can’t get it in the beta. Despite some websites providing confusing information, you won’t be able to equip the Wolf Pup until the full release.

Aside from unlocking a pet, you can also get titles for when the full release hits. In the meantime, you’ll find many of us with different forms of trash in our name.
Blizzard confirmed this via the Diablo Twitter account by saying the pack won’t be available until June when Diablo 4 launches. Unfortunately, this seems to be the same case with the titles you can unlock as well. Those are Initial Casualty for reaching Kyovashad on one character and Early Voyager for reaching level 20 on a character.
If you’re struggling to reach level 20 in the beta, I recommend playing through the main missions and completing side quests. You’ll end up grinding through enemies while completing each quest and get experience from both. However, it can be fun to complete random events in the world as well. These can also provide a nice chunk of experience and sometimes loot too.

You may want to wait until hitting the max level of 25 before upgrading equipment at the Blacksmith. However, it can help you boost your Attack Power and Armor.
As we all know with action-RPGs, your inventory will fill up with loot fast. So it’s important to salvage your extra items for useful crafting materials. This can help with upgrading your gear so you can keep up with tough enemies. Especially if you go after the Strongholds alone.
How to Equip the Wolf Pup in Diablo 4

The Wardrobe in Kyovashad is represented by a little wardrobe icon on the map. This can help you track it down if you’re not sure where it is. It’s also next to the Stash.
Even though we’re writing this guide during the beta and you can’t get the Wolf Pup yet, we do have theories about how to equip this pet. As briefly mentioned above, you’ll likely have it immediately when Diablo 4 launches in June 2023.
Our best guess is that you’ll need to find a Wardrobe which is available in Kyovashad. This is where you can equip the different transmogs you’ve unlocked and change how your character looks. Also, this screen has two small tabs on the right side with one being for armor and the other for items. Such as weapons or the one we really want, the Back Slot.

Aside from eventually equipping a pet into your Back Slot, you can also customize your gear and appearance here.
Assuming you reached level 20 in the beta, you’ll likely be able to equip it under the Back Slot section. What I’m really wondering is how many other Back Slot items we’ll get. Especially since this seems to be replacing the pet option in Diablo 3.
Otherwise, that’s pretty much all there is to this Diablo 4 guide on how to get the Wolf Pup. Even though it isn’t available yet, it’s still important to explain how to get it for those not quite sure. In the event that this is the final beta and only opportunity to get the Wolf Pup, make sure you don’t miss out!

Jeff is a journalist with over 10 years of experience writing, streaming, and making content about video games. With an associate degree in journalism, he’s a sucker for RPGs, survival games, roguelikes, and more.
Saturday 25th of March 2023
I was kinda confused about the wolf pup cosmetic, i reached level 20 in the early access beta but didn't see the cosmetic in my inventory.