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Valheim – How to Install Mods Guide

Valheim - How to Install Mods

If you’re wondering how to install mods in Valheim, you’re in the right place. This guide covers how to install BepInEx which is required for the majority of mods currently made for the game. And if you’re looking for some of the best mods to install, check out our list here.

How to Install Valheim Mods

As mentioned above, downloading mods on their own won’t work for Valheim. This is where BepInEx comes in as a way to help load custom code without actually touching the original files. Follow the steps below to install BepInEx so you can get right to customizing your experience.

  1. Click this link here where you can download BepinEx.
  2. Click the Manual Download button at the top.
  3. Find the file in your Downloads folder, Users\(User Name)\Downloads
  4. Extract “denikson-BepInExPack_Valheim” with whatever version you downloaded, to a folder.
  5. Transfer the files from BepInExPack_Valheim to the Valheim folder, Steam\steamapps\common\Valheim
  6. This is the end of installing BepInEx.

Now when you want to install a mod for Valheim, you’ll often get a .dll file. You’ll need to transfer that file to Steam\steamapps\common\Valheim\BepInEx\plugins. Depending on the mod, you may need to edit a configuration file in Steam\steamapps\common\Valheim\BepInEx\config. Configuration files are usually so you can disable, enable, or tweak settings to your liking. However, since every mod and mod developer is different, make sure to read the description on the mod page. They’ll usually explain how to download their mod and how it’s used.

Valheim Plus Mod Advanced Building

One of the many great mods you can find is Advanced Building in our list. You can place structures more creatively as shown in this screenshot.

If you run into any issues when setting up BepInEx, you can try asking for help in the Valheim Modding Discord or the BepInEx Discord directly. While you can ask in the comments below, we may not be as quick to respond. For other Valheim guides here at Slyther Games, check out the guide hub.