While exploring the Karl’s Bay district in Deathloop you may have come across a machine called The Yerhva. Interacting with it reveals 10 different questions that each have eight different answers you can pick. This can make it difficult to complete in one go if you don’t know where to start.
Even though you can loop back another time after getting a question wrong, there are better alternatives. First, you can obviously use our guide below and see the answer to every question. Because I spent the time figuring out each one to help you out. Otherwise, you can search all of Blackreef for books titled, “How Well Do YOU Know Blackreef?”
These books tend to have two trivia facts about Blackreef, the world Deathloop takes place in. However, it can be tough to find every answer if you don’t know where to look. That’s why I recommend taking a peek at our list below. And make it easier on yourself.
The Yerhva Trivia Answers in Deathloop
Before checking the answers below and rushing through, there’s one important disclaimer to mention. While our questions are labeled in number order below, the question order changes every loop. This means question number 1 for me isn’t necessarily the same as question number 1 for you.
So make sure you compare each Yerhva question below with the one you’re currently working on. With that said, the answer numbers are always the same for each question. So you can still use the answer numbers we’ve provided below.
Question 1: Decades ago, warmongers toyed with the temporal tides eddying about Blackreef. Their sigil-marked temples stand still. What named their doomed enterprise?
Answer: 3 – Operation Horizon
Question 2: Karl’s Bay has worn many faces, most as lost to time as the mysterious Karl himself. What was its most recent incarnation prior to AEON’s arrival?
Answer: 3 – A military air base
Question 3: AEON graces this island as kaleidoscopic jewels upon the neck of the world’s greatest beauty. What seeks the Program?
Answer: 3 – The advancement of human potentiality and enlightenment.
Question 4: Before AEON’s arrival, Blackreef slept in frozen utero, awaiting new purpose. Who then made landfall, reawakening her from slumber?
Answer: 2 – Colt Vahn and Egor Serling, on a voyage of discovery.
Question 5: The wriggling, writhing energies of the Loop have been harnessed to gift us with abilities beyond our biological potential. What birthed our trinkets and slabs?
Answer: 7 – Dr. Wenjie Evans personally engineered each one.
Question 6: Blackreef boasts a bountiful feast for the senses. Which transcendent work towers above the island’s myriad other artistic pursuits?
Answer: 7 – The nose, chin, and eyes of Charlie Montague.
Question 7: Sink your toes into the dark earth and let the vibrations of her voice course through your bones. From whence did this island derive her name?
Answer: 8 – Coastal coral formations
Question 8: Harriet Morse is the gatekeeper, Blackreef the gate. A veil hangs across the threshold. What do we discover when it parts?
Answer: 4 – The Great Beyond
Question 9: From what seed did Aeon spring?
Answer: 6 – The shared ambitions of Harriet Morse, Egor Serling, and Dr. Wenji Evans.
Question 10: The Bay, the Rock, and labyrinthine Updaam wear AEON colors proudly, but that decor belies their history. From whence came the peculiar names that grace them?
Answer: 5 – They date back to a fishing colony.
The Yervha Reward For Answering All 10 Questions

After all that time searching for clues on the lore behind Blackreef, you get nothing, good day sir.
Unfortunately, even if you answer all 10 questions correctly, you don’t really get much. Since The Yerhva is a trivia machine, you get another fact as a reward. The following audio message below plays after correctly answering every question.
“Bravo bravo, your mind is overflowing with bountiful knowledge stranger. The Yerhva will now reveal the greatest secret of all. My prodigious provenance.
“Did you know that these automatons were made at the turn of the century in a small workshop on Blackreef. This is the only surviving specimen that we know of. It has been thoroughly refurbished by Charlie Montague. And immortalized as part of the AEON program entertainment module.”
After hearing that Charlie Montague fixed up The Yerhva, it’s not that surprising why one of the question answers is a little odd. It took me a while to crack Question 6 above about what transcendent work towers above the island’s artistic pursuits. Who would have guessed, “The nose, chin, and eyes of Charlie Montague”?
That’s all there is to this Deathloop guide on The Yervha trivia questions. If you have any other questions for me, feel free to comment below for further help. I’ll do my best to get back to you and help if I can. More guides are currently in the works.
A Deathloop key was provided by a PR agency for the purpose of our coverage.

Jeff is a journalist with over 10 years of experience writing, streaming, and making content about video games. With an associate degree in journalism, he’s a sucker for RPGs, survival games, roguelikes, and more.