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Dead Island 2 – How to Get All Parts

Dead Island 2 - How to Get All Parts

If you’re a fan of crafting fancy upgraded weapons in Dead Island 2 you’ll need the right materials. This can be difficult if you’re not sure how to get all parts such as infected flesh, mutated hearts, or even uncommon parts like electronics.

We’ve listed how to get each one in the many sections below sorted by rarity to make things easier to find. It’s important to mention that every zombie and apex variant name is mentioned across the sections. So if you don’t want to get spoiled by the name of one, you may not want to continue.

Dead Island 2 - Where to Find Crushers


Also, if you’re trying to track down infected parts, you’ll need to have made it far enough in Dead Island 2 to unlock them first. Once you have, the best way to get them is by maiming the right zombies. This typically includes taking out a limb such as an arm or leg.

And if you’re having trouble finding a specific apex variant to farm for parts, you can check the HELL-A map for markers. For example, Ocean Avenue has one indicating where you can frequently encounter Crushers. But, you may not see these markers if you haven’t unlocked the apex variant yet.

How to Get All Parts in Dead Island 2

Common Item Parts

Name How to Get It
Scrap Taking out Shamblers, Walkers, and Runners. Every area has a chance for Scrap to spawn.
Fabric Taking out Shamblers, Walkers, Runners, and Swarm Walkers. Every area has a chance for Fabric to spawn.
Fasteners Taking out Walkers, Runners, Grenadier Walkers, and Riot Gear Walkers. Industrial Areas have an increased chance for Fasteners to spawn.
Adhesive Taking out Walkers and Hydration Walkers. Industrial Areas have an increased chance for Adhesive to spawn.
Infected Flesh Taking out Shamblers, Walkers, Spiky Walkers, Shocking Walkers, Swarm Walkers, Grenadier Walkers, Incendiary Walkers, Firefighter Walkers, Caustic-X Walkers, Hazmat Walkers, Burning Walkers, Riot Gear Walkers, Hydration Walkers, and Bursters. Medical Centers have an increased chance for Infected Flesh to spawn.

Uncommon Item Parts

Name How to Get It
Metal Parts Taking out Spiky Walkers, Spiky Runners, Shocking Walkers, Shocking Runners, and Grenadier Walkers. Every area has a chance for Metal Parts to spawn.
Blades Taking out Spiky Walkers, Spiky Runners, Firefighter Walkers, Firefighter Runners, Hazmat Walkers, Butchers, and Vicious Butchers. Military Outposts, Medical Centers, and Commercial Buildings have an increased chance for Blades to spawn.
Wire Taking out Shamblers, Runners, Shocking Walkers, and Shocking Runners. Industrial Areas have an increased chance for Wire to spawn.
Electronics Taking out Shocking Walkers, Shocking Runners, and Hydration Walkers. Industrial Areas and Commercial Areas have an increased chance for Electronics to spawn.
Aerosol Taking out Swarm Walkers, Incendiary Walkers, Caustic-X Walkers, Burning Walkers, and Burning Runners. Residential Areas and Commercial Buildings have an increased chance for Aerosol to spawn.
Chemicals Taking out Swarm Walkers, Incendiary Walkers, Caustic-X Walkers, Hazmat Walkers, Burning Walkers, Burning Runners. and Hydration Walkers. Residential Areas and Medical Centers have an increased chance for Chemicals to spawn.
Gunpowder Taking out Grenadier Walkers, Incendiary Walkers, and Riot Gear Walkers. Military Outposts have an increased chance for Gunpowder to spawn.
Leaky Implants Taking out Crushers, Inferno Crushers, Screamers, Volatic Screamers, and Mutators.
Infected Blood Taking out Runners, Spiky Runners, Shocking Runners, Firefighter Runners, Burning Runners, Butchers, Vicious Butchers, and Eat Couriers. Medical Centers have an increased chance for Infected Blood to spawn.
Bloated Spleen Taking out Bursters, Slobbers, Putrefied Slobbers, and Firestorm Slobbers.

Rare Item Parts

Name How to Get It
Alloy Taking out Riot Gear Walkers, Butchers, Vicious Butchers, Crushers, Inferno Crushers, Bursters, Slobbers, Putrefied Slobbers, Firestorm Slobbers, Screamers, and Voltaic Screamers. Industrial Areas have an increased chance for Alloy to spawn.
Synthetic Fibers Taking out Firefighter Walkers, Caustic-X Walkers, Riot Gear Walkers, Hazmat Walkers, Firefighter Runners, Crushers, Inferno Crushers, Bursters, Slobbers, Putrefied Slobbers, Firestorm Slobbers, Screamers, Voltatic Screamers, Butchers, and Vicious Butchers. Medical Centers and Industrial Areas have an increased chance for Synthetic Fibers to spawn.
Infected Spine Taking out Screamers, Mutators, and Volatic Screamers.
Flammable Fluid Taking out Inferno Crushers and Firestorm Slobbers.
Oversized Arm Bone Taking out Crushers, Inferno Crushers, and Mutators.
Cthonic Ichor Taking out Slobbers and Putrefied Slobbers.
Insect Larvae Taking out Putrefied Slobbers and Swarm Walkers.
Electrified Brain Taking out Volatic Screamers.
Blade Arm Taking out Butchers, Vicious Butchers, and Mutators.

Superior Item Parts

Name How to Get It
Blast Gland Taking out Bursters.
Infected Sinew Taking out Crushers, Inferno Crushers, and Mutators.
Screamer Lungs Taking out Screamers and Voltaic Screamers.
Toxic Gallbladder Taking out Slobbers, Putrefied Slobbers, and Firestorm Slobbers.
Regenerating Tissue Taking out Butchers and Vicious Butchers
Mutated Heart Taking out Mutators.

That’s all there is to this guide filled with tables and information on how to get all parts in Dead Island 2. If you find yourself crafting a certain mod or perk frequently, you may need to farm a certain part for it. That’s a big part of why I put together this guide.


Monday 22nd of May 2023

I never really look for any specific loot drop for crafting, i just play casually defeating enemy mobs and usually end up getting loot drops and not even realizing it until i craft weapons.